Thursday, July 18, 2013

Prego Progress: 16 weeks!

So here we are, 16 weeks along!  I can't believe it!  I am almost half way done with this pregnancy!
Morning sickness has finally subsided(Thank you, Jesus!) and I am feeling a little bit more kicking and moving around...can't wait until the girls get to feel it!

Here is a picture of me at 16 weeks!  My hand is finally starting to disappear!

Here I am at 10 weeks! I've come a long way!

I am totally having some awesome cravings too!  It is mainly sugary things...


So far, these are my favorite! 

It's really funny, I sit and watch tv, see a food advertised, and then announce..." I want that! That looks good!"  My husband just turns and looks at me with the strangest look...=)

I also have been craving cake, rice with shoyu(soy sauce), orange juice, Chinese food, fruit of all kinds, and soda...which is absolutely horrible, but it makes me feel so happy!

I have one more appointment at the end of the month and I am hoping to get an ultrasound appointment very soon after that.  I am slowly working out the details of our gender reveal.  I am really excited to find out what we are having so I can start my blanket and buy things for the baby(we got rid of everything except the crib).

I will keep you updated!

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