Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Summer Tradition and baby update

For the past five summers (save 2010), we have gone down to Hogle Zoo in SLC, UT.  It is something we as a family could enjoy together and the girls won't grow out of too quickly.  We almost didn't go this year (due to being pregnant and it being a scorcher this year), but we decided to go anyway.  We also invited the in-laws with niece and nephew and husband's aunt and cousins.  The girls were so excited cousins were coming and they seemed to enjoy themselves.  This year, they got to ride the carousel for the first time.  A lot of the animals were all hiding due to the heat, but we did get to see several.  I know the kids had a lot of fun.
 Something new we started last year is going to the Gateway Mall and letting the kids run around in the fountain.  It cools them off and it's just fun to get wet!  Chelise was a little weary of the water shooting into her face, but she still enjoyed the water.  Beighlie loved the steam, and Emma loved trying to stop the water from coming out.


And I just realized I don't know how to turn pictures...o well.  You can stretch your neck a couple of times.  They had a great day and slept really well that night. =)
   Baby Update:  As of today, I am 19 weeks, 6 days.  We get to find out the gender on Thursday!  We were going to throw a gender reveal party, but no one seems to want to wait, so we are just going to tell everyone on Thursday.  I can feel it kick quite a bit, but it still doesn't like daddy.  The girls are excited to finally find out what it's going to be.  I am excited so I can start shopping!  Check back in early next week to see the reveal!