Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Summer Tradition and baby update

For the past five summers (save 2010), we have gone down to Hogle Zoo in SLC, UT.  It is something we as a family could enjoy together and the girls won't grow out of too quickly.  We almost didn't go this year (due to being pregnant and it being a scorcher this year), but we decided to go anyway.  We also invited the in-laws with niece and nephew and husband's aunt and cousins.  The girls were so excited cousins were coming and they seemed to enjoy themselves.  This year, they got to ride the carousel for the first time.  A lot of the animals were all hiding due to the heat, but we did get to see several.  I know the kids had a lot of fun.
 Something new we started last year is going to the Gateway Mall and letting the kids run around in the fountain.  It cools them off and it's just fun to get wet!  Chelise was a little weary of the water shooting into her face, but she still enjoyed the water.  Beighlie loved the steam, and Emma loved trying to stop the water from coming out.


And I just realized I don't know how to turn pictures...o well.  You can stretch your neck a couple of times.  They had a great day and slept really well that night. =)
   Baby Update:  As of today, I am 19 weeks, 6 days.  We get to find out the gender on Thursday!  We were going to throw a gender reveal party, but no one seems to want to wait, so we are just going to tell everyone on Thursday.  I can feel it kick quite a bit, but it still doesn't like daddy.  The girls are excited to finally find out what it's going to be.  I am excited so I can start shopping!  Check back in early next week to see the reveal!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Prego Progress: 16 weeks!

So here we are, 16 weeks along!  I can't believe it!  I am almost half way done with this pregnancy!
Morning sickness has finally subsided(Thank you, Jesus!) and I am feeling a little bit more kicking and moving around...can't wait until the girls get to feel it!

Here is a picture of me at 16 weeks!  My hand is finally starting to disappear!

Here I am at 10 weeks! I've come a long way!

I am totally having some awesome cravings too!  It is mainly sugary things...


So far, these are my favorite! 

It's really funny, I sit and watch tv, see a food advertised, and then announce..." I want that! That looks good!"  My husband just turns and looks at me with the strangest look...=)

I also have been craving cake, rice with shoyu(soy sauce), orange juice, Chinese food, fruit of all kinds, and soda...which is absolutely horrible, but it makes me feel so happy!

I have one more appointment at the end of the month and I am hoping to get an ultrasound appointment very soon after that.  I am slowly working out the details of our gender reveal.  I am really excited to find out what we are having so I can start my blanket and buy things for the baby(we got rid of everything except the crib).

I will keep you updated!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Prego Progression-14 weeks!

So this pregnancy is going by rather slowly...morning sickness makes things feel like they are creeping along, but I am very thankful for this little blessing!
I am happy to say I am finally out of the first trimester, but the morning sickness seems to be lingering a bit.  The baby doesn't like dairy (which is a shame because I am really craving ice cream), and doesn't like it when I fill my belly.  It seems to get really upset and sets my tummy in a stir...
Hopefully, in a few weeks, all this sickness will subside...my doctors said it should.  We got to hear a little heart beat last week!  The girls were with me and they were like...yea, that's great, mom...can we go home now?
Fourth of July made 14 weeks for me.  I can feel it move around and kick a bit here and there.  Daddy even felt it a few times!  When I sleep on my side, it likes to sit at that end and ball up.  It also likes to shimmy away when daddy tries to feel it(ornery one, it is!)

Starting to show, but only if I push my shirt down.  The girls are noticing and are asking if they can feel the baby yet...
We get to find out what we are having in about six weeks!  Most people are hoping we have a boy, but we will be happy with either.  The girls want a girl...only so they can have a set of dolls. We are planning a gender reveal party to find out what we're having so that will be fun and exciting! 
Well, until then, have a great day!

Friday, June 14, 2013

My husband is awesome!

So this pregnancy has been so different from all the other ones....
1- The worst morning sickness ever!
2-My emotions have been everywhere!!!
My poor husband has no idea how to handle me...=D
He came home tonight and he said: "I'm so glad you are actually smiling!"
My poor girls know if they do something wrong to just leave the room...now that's bad...
But all that being said, my husband is the BEST!
I've been craving like mad Skittles for the past week and I asked him to get me some on his way home...but he didn't just grab me a bag of Skittles...

He grabbed every single type they had just in case I wanted another type...

Now who does that!!!???

He told me the cashier was looking at him funny and he told her they were for his pregnant wife...she said "Great Job!  You've been around the track a few times, haven't you?"

I'm so lucky to have such an awesome man to call husband. I'm so glad he's my forever and I'm glad my girls (and growing wiggle worm) get to call him daddy!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Summer, Gobbles, and BABY!! =D

So, it's been quite a while since I've been here...
Well, it's summer now and we are even busier than ever!!!
One of my favorite things about summer is the free lunches!!!  It is basically the best excuse to have a picnic(which I love!) because we can't leave the park.
The first few days were really chilly...but it's warmed up and now, we can sit in the sun!
It was still kinda chilly here, but Chelise decided to be brave!
Another fun thing is swimming lessons!  The girls love the water...two days after the lessons start.  This year, Chelise was really hesitant at first(she cried!), but she now loves her teachers and is actually "blowing bubbles" in the water.  Emma is still really hesitant.  She is afraid she will sink and no one will see her drown...I've reminded her she is surrounded by life guards and that seemed to put her a bit at ease.  Beighlie-lynne on the other hand-she is a fish!  She loves her teacher and she loves the water.  She is the one we were most worried about because she said she didn't want to do "schwimmin' lessons", but now, she is the first to get dressed and the last to come out!
They were most excited to get "gobbles" for "schwimmin'" lessons.  Emma got some last year and we decided to buy them all some this year!
Aren't they the cutest!!
Another thing about summer is the bikes!  Emma has been begging us since the snow melted to ride her bike and it is finally warm enough!  They have all come so far from last year!
She is finally looking up!

She was going up and down the hills like a trooper!  Look at her smile!

And Chelise just wanted to play on the slide...
The most exciting news is...we're have baby #4!!!
God has truly blest us and we are so excited for this baby!  The girls pray every meal that the baby is a girl!  We, personally, will be happy with either, but the girls really want a sister, like bad...they call it a her and ask if she is kicking...I'm glad they are so excited!
I didn't know I was pregnant until I started getting morning sickness all day long.  I was wondering why I wasn't getting over this and then I thought...hmmm....maybe...could I be...and then one stick test later...BOOM!  Baby #4!  I am finally able to get up and not feel like I have to throw up, but it is still lingering.  Just a few more weeks, I keep telling myself...this too shall pass. 
Baby Elybug at 10 weeks, 5 days!
It was moving around so much, Josh could see it from where we were sitting!
My little belly at 10 weeks, 4 days.  I am sitting down and I'm a bit chubby anyway, but it's bigger than just chub!
So far, our summer has been fun and exciting!
I am trying to be better about this, especially because in 30 weeks, life will get a bit more hectic. 
Well, tata for now...hope you enjoyed my summer so far!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

God's timing...

The month of February was pretty epic. I know I said I would post about the Valentine's Bash, but things kinda got a little...crazy.
  God's timing is perfect in each and every way and He answers prayers!  We got our taxes just when we needed them and my hubby surprised me with a trip home(alone) to Hawai'i!  I've been really missing my parents something fierce these last few months and it was just so sweet of him to think of me!
 I finally went to the doctor and after a bunch of tests,I found out I ended up having a miscarriage the second time I didn't feel well(no, I didn't know I was prego).  It was pretty heart breaking, but, again, God's timing is perfect! We found out the day before I was scheduled to leave for Hawai'i, so I didn't have much time to think about it. God put into perspective that He is God and He knows what I am going through and He is in control.  He allowed me to be home and put all this stuff behind me so I could move on and grateful.  (I know that sounds kinda bad, but I'm the type to fester on things and they seem to really bring me down and that is never good when you have three thriving girls watching your every move.)
 I am so happy I got to spend so much time with my family and friends back home, but I was very happy to come home to my little family!  I missed them so much and God laid it on my heart to appreciate what I have and not to worry about the future. 
I hope God allows us to have more children, but I will wait until His perfect timing and appreciate what He has blessed me with already!

Sorry, if I sound all...pity party...not meant to come off that way.  I just had to write it down and share!
Now, here are a few pictures of Hawai'i...don't be jealous!


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Valentine's Day Countdown- Day 3-13

So, with one of my favorite holidays came illness! I apologize for not bringing this any sooner...
First was my hubby, then me, then my girls, then me again!  It's not how I wanted it to go, but we celebrated anyway!
Day 4- We wrote Valentine's day notes!

As you can tell, they loved it!  I actually had to take it away from them or else we would be up all night!  And I got the mailboxes on sale last year for 50 cents a pop!
Day 5-Kiki Hoko!!!!
This is Chelise for Kiwi Loco...
They love the fact that they have the power to choose what they get and what they get to put as topping.  Plus, there is a tv in the room.  =D
Day 6- Happy Meals!
Now, who doesn't love Hello Kitty?
Day 7- Socks!
The added bonus was their favorite princess' on them!
Day 8- Cupcakes!

Went to a friend's house and had a decorating party!  B was just thrilled...she actually just wanted to eat them. =D
Day 9- Lollipops!
*Forgot to take a picture. I was sick, so please forgive me.  =D
Day 11- Breakfast for dinner!
Again, no pictures...but who doesn't like bacon for dinner?
Day 12- Craft time!
My mother sent these to me last year and I just saved them.
The girls enjoyed it!

Daddy even had some fun with us!
Day 13- Glow sticks!
I got a pack of twenty for $1 at Target...can't beat that.
The girls knew that the next day was Valentine's day so I figured I'd give them something to help them go to sleep.
I will post our celebration in the next blog.  Again, sorry for the hold up.  We are on the up and up!  TTFN!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Valentine's Day Countdown- Day 1 and 2

Valentine's Day is my third favorite holiday (Thanksgiving and Christmas coming in first and second).  I like to make it special for the girls and have a little something to do with them every day except Sundays when we don't have much time with church and my mandatory "Mommy Naptime".
Sir Luvsalot made his first appearance last year and the girls thought he was so awesome!  I got a pack of these at JoAnn's on sale two years ago and put him into action last year. The treasure chest is an addition this year and the girls love to see if Sir Luvsalot has brought them a message.  It's the first thing they look for when they wake up.
On Day 1, I always have them help me decorate the dining room.  All I use are cheap decor from the dollar store or things I get at the end of the season sale.
I put everything in a pile and I let them discover this thing that Sir L brings. 
Here is a list of what I have:
~Heart Garland- Dollar Store
~Vases- One from a bouquet, one from the Dollar store, and one from a discount store for 69 cents
~Window clings- Dollar store
~Magnets- Walmart for 50 cents each
~Heart Candle- Discount store for 89 cents
~Hearts on a stick- pack of 8 at Dollar store
~Tinsel like stuff- Dollar store
~Hearts on a wire(kinda like tinsel)- Dollar store
~ Fake roses- Dollar store
~ Heart Place mats- on sale at JoAnns
When the girls opened the box, I got to read what Sir L had to say:
The girls love decorating so they took it in speed! 
 Don't have much because I was facilitating, but I snuck one in!
Here is the end product:

The heat was blowing the garland when I snapped this one.

Something simple, yet special to make the atmosphere different.

On day 2, I really didn't really have anything special planned.  Emma got to read the note this time, and this is what it read:

 This totally thrilled them because they normally don't get these. 

As you can tell, they were silly with happiness!
Stay tuned to see what else we have planned!  Simple yet special things are what makes memories!
Love, Mel